Kids of all ages can benefit greatly from pediatric chiropractic adjustments. Kids have nervous systems that can be impacted just like adults, and they often have more injuries than adults as they learn about their bodies. At the same time kids are learning and growing, their nervous system is developing rapidly and is most responsive to spinal adjustments.


Chiropractic adjustments can help maintain healthy children from birth into adulthood. Research is ongoing and some suggest chiropractic care can be effective in cases of colic, digestive problems, ear infections, reflux, excessive crying constipation, sleep disturbances, and bed wetting. Scoliosis is another common childhood disorder that can be helped with chiropractic care if diagnosed and treated before spinal development has been completed. Dr. Kleene was adjusted just days after she was born. In fact, her own mother sought chiropractic treatment during her entire pregnancy. Adjustments are important for infants due to the stress during the birth process and cesarean sections.


Complicated labor and deliveries tend to have more impact on the baby’s spine. However, even a normal delivery process can put a lot of pressure on the baby’s head and neck causing subluxations and interference in the nervous system. Chiropractic adjustments for babies involve very light pressure—nothing similar to the force used for an adult adjustment. It is not traumatic and is absolutely safe for babies and children of any age.


Any of our Back In Line Family Chiropractic & Wellness doctors can consult with you and pre-screen your child for recommended chiropractic care. Our doctors will then consult with and refer you to various specialists if necessary for follow-up care. We work closely with local Physical Therapists and Occupational Therapists that focus on babies and children.

Patient Testimonial

We are Extremely Grateful!

Our twin girls were both experiencing gas and bloating at 1.5 years old. We took them to see Back in Line and what we learned has made such a positive impact on our life. We were shocked to find out the results of food sensitivity testing. It was a little overwhelming at first, but the BIL team was so informative and supportive we got through it. Because of chiropractic care and having identified food triggers, both our daughters sleep through the night now and don’t have to suffer with all the discomfort they were experiencing.
We are so thankful for Back in Line’s compassion towards our children.

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