Chiropractic during pregnancy brings balance to the spine and mom’s rapidly changing body and eases a number of tensions. Chiropractic also properly aligns the pelvis for the growth and positioning of baby, providing an easier, safer, and more gentle birth process for mom and baby.

Chiropractic during pregnancy:

  • Can relieve and even prevent the commons discomforts experienced during pregnancy
  • Restores balance to the pelvis creating an environment for an easier, quicker, and safer delivery
  • Reduces interference to the nervous system allowing the uterus to function at its full potential
  • Has been shown to reduce the need for pain killers and medical intervention

Even the most natural birth can be stressful for baby and mom.  Pulling, forcing and twisting a baby from the birth canal are fairly common practices. Cesarean section, forceps, suction extraction or eager hands can also do unseen damage.

Even the most “natural” birthing methods can cause subluxations—areas of your baby’s spine that distort key nerve impulses between the brain and body.

Back In Line Family Chiropractic & Wellness specializes in the care of women from preconception to postpartum as well as pediatric patients.

Resources for moms and dads:



Did you know?

80% of kids will have an ear infection at some point in their lives. Common risks of an ear infection include:
    ⁃    A prior upper respiratory infection
    ⁃    Viral or bacterial pathogens 
    ⁃    Allergies 
    ⁃    Spinal Subluxations

Why do kids seem to get more ear infections than adults?

Their immune system is still developing and their anatomy is positioned differently.

Infants and kiddos auditory tubes (Eustachian tubes) are shorter, narrower, and have a more horizontal position than an adults. This results in an increased difficulty of fluid drainage.

Chiropractic care is an alternative approach to managing ear infections. By focusing on adjusting the upper spinal segments of the neck it influences the nerves that help the ear and auditory tube to function optimally. We can also adjust the ear; this will impact the little bones of the ear and trigger drainage of auditory tube.

Before jumping to medicinal support right away there are homeopathic approaches to consider including:
    ⁃    Garlic Oil Ear Drops
    ⁃    Belladonna Homeopathic Ear Drops
    ⁃    Colloidal Silver Drops

9 Evidence Based Remedies That Help Alleviate Acute Ear Infection Pain