At Back in Line Family Chiropractic & Wellness, our commitment to enhancing holistic health extends beyond traditional practices. As we strive to optimize the mind, body, and soul, we're thrilled to introduce a groundbreaking therapy - the Cold Plunge. This innovative approach offers a myriad of benefits that encompass sleep improvement, enhanced cognition, stress response regulation, cortisol level management, and improved Heart Rate Variability (HRV). For me personally, I felt as though my body was not recovering well even with adequate sleep, nutrition, reduced toxic load and navigating stress levels with appropriate practices. Dr. Calla (CJ) Kleene had mentioned to me some of the wild benefits and improvements patients had been having in these realms with cold plunge therapies. Let's chat logistics, before I share my thoughts and experience!  

Understanding the Cold Plunge Experience-

  1. **Stress Reduction and Cortisol Regulation:** Cold plunge sessions trigger the body's natural stress response mechanisms, leading to a reduction in cortisol levels. This not only alleviates stress but also aids in better stress management over time. (This is to help us adapt better to the fight or flight (sympathetic nervous system) response when we are under heightened or immediate stressors). Essentially, it is helping to condition a less drastic heightened response to stress. 
  2.  **Improved Sleep Quality:** Post-cold plunge, the body experiences a natural drop in temperature, facilitating a more restful sleep. Regular sessions can help regulate sleep patterns and enhance overall sleep quality. (This is the same idea as cold showers or finishing your shower with cold water for 30 seconds to a minute). 
  3.  **Cognitive Boost:** The cold shock triggers the release of neurotransmitters like norepinephrine and dopamine, contributing to increased mental alertness, focus, and cognitive function. (Norepi is secreted to help boost mood and cognition, lower stress response, improve energy and attentiveness. Dopamine is the “feel good” hormone). 

Long-Term Benefits: 

  1.  **Enhanced Immune Function:** Consistent exposure to cold water stimulates the immune system, leading to a strengthened resilience against illnesses. 
  2.  **Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Improvement:** Cold plunges have shown to positively impact HRV, a marker of overall health and resilience to stress. (Smart watches, like Garmin and Oura rings, track this daily). 
  3. *Endorphin Release and Mood Enhancement:** Regular cold plunges prompt the release of endorphins, improving mood, and fostering an overall sense of well-being. 

What to Expect During a Cold Plunge Session:

  • **Preparation:** Everyone in our office have done cold plunges and will guide you through the process, ensuring safety and comfort. We can coach and que you through breathing and tension you may experience, or not know you are experiencing during your plunge session. 
  • **Initial Shock:** As you immerse yourself in the cold water, there may be an initial shock followed by a gradual adaptation. Initially your body will have the “panic” and oftentimes you will want to hold your breath or hyperventilate. This is when our staff, or your mind is POWERFUL in guiding you out of that state. 
  • **Feelings of Invigoration:** Post-plunge, many individuals report feeling invigorated, refreshed, and mentally clear. There is usually a sense of increased energy and “high”.
  • **Temperature Regulation:** The body will naturally regulate its temperature, often leading to a sense of warmth and relaxation afterward. 

Dr. Missy’s Experience:

I truly experienced everything that was stated above. The initial shock can quite literally take your breath away. I did our cold plunge solo with no guidance, other than what Dr. CJ had coached me beforehand. I wanted to REALLY test my body and mind for the mental and physical toughness that is needed for cold plunges. Mentally, I was stronger than I thought. I controlled my mind to not panic and to remain calm. I wasn't in danger, even though external factors (cold water) were telling my body and mind otherwise. The first thing I focused on was controlling my breath. Slow, controlled, calm. I would tell myself, “I am safe, I am strong, I am in control.” This really helped ME to be in control. After a few minutes my body wanted to shake in response to the cold. This is a natural response we have all experienced in the cold. It's intended to keep us alive and allow for proper blood flow to vital organs. I again refocused my breathing, my mind and repeated my “affirmations” in my head. It stopped my shaking immediately. This went on for a total of 5 minutes until I needed a break to get out. 

I got out for approximately 36 seconds and then hopped right back in. This time was less intense on all initial shock factors and I felt pretty solid and in control. For the next 12 minutes (yes 12!) I mentally zoned out to control my breath, mind, and body. To me, this was the coolest part of the experience. When they say “if you put your mind to it, you can do anything,” you quite literally can, and this was a prime example of that. I loved the empowerment it gave me and all of the benefits afterward. I saw improvement in REM and deep sleep that night. It took HRV a few days to adapt, but my energy levels and mental clarity were crisp the rest of the day and next morning. I did combo my cold plunge with a  sauna session afterwards and I am so glad I did. It gave me more focus on recovery and mental tenacity. It was an incredibly cool  and empowering experience with some really fascinating results and benefits.

Conclusion: Embracing cold plunge therapy at Back in Line Family Chiropractic & Wellness is a transformative journey towards holistic health and mental resilience. Whether seeking immediate stress relief, improved sleep, or long-term cognitive enhancement, the benefits of regular cold plunges are profound. I both respect and appreciate our commitment to your well-being extends to introducing innovative therapies, ensuring a comprehensive approach to your mind, body, and soul. Are you ready to explore the incredible benefits of cold plunge therapy? I would highly recommend even 1 session! 

Contact us to schedule your session and experience the power of whole health transformation!

Dr. Missy Wessels

Dr. Missy Wessels

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