In our fast-paced, technology-driven world, the convenience of modern devices like cell phones, smart watches, and smart homes has become an integral part of our daily lives. However, amidst this technological revolution, the growing concern over electromagnetic fields (EMF), cell phone radiation, Bluetooth, and WiFi signals has sparked a conversation about their potential adverse effects on our health. I personally believe in a holistic approach to wellness, which includes addressing the impact of EMF exposure on our bodies. While these technologies offer unparalleled convenience, their prolonged usage and constant exposure can lead to various health issues. 

Symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, brain fog, and sleep disturbances have been associated with overexposure to EMF radiation. It's essential to recognize that our bodies are remarkably sensitive to these electromagnetic signals emitted by devices like cell phones, smartwatches, and other wireless technologies. The pervasiveness of these devices in our daily lives means that we're continuously bombarded by these signals, potentially impacting our health over time. Mitigating the harmful effects of EMF exposure involves adopting a multifaceted approach that encompasses both lifestyle changes and technological modifications. 

Here are some holistic strategies to reduce EMF exposure and alleviate its associated symptoms: 

  1. **Limiting Device Usage:** While it might be challenging in today's connected world, reducing the time spent on devices can significantly minimize exposure to EMF radiation.
  2.  **Practicing Safe Habits:** Utilize speaker mode or headphones when making phone calls, and avoid carrying cell phones in pockets or close to the body whenever possible. Especially reproductive organs, lymph nodes and our brain. 
  3. **Creating EMF-Free Zones:** Designate specific areas in your home as EMF-free zones, especially in bedrooms, to facilitate better sleep and reduce exposure during resting hours.
  4. **Investing in EMF-Reducing Products:** Consider using EMF-blocking cases for cell phones, anti-radiation phone shields, and EMF-reducing jewelry/magnets to shield the body from excess radiation. 
  5. **Grounding Techniques:** Engaging in grounding exercises, such as spending time outdoors barefoot or using grounding mats, can help balance the body's electromagnetic field.

A few things that I have done personally to help combat exposure include the following:

  1.  Wifi Power Switch: I purchased this Wifi kill Switch to remote control when its on and off. When I am not using any devices, I shut off the wifi to decrease my exposure. I ALWAYS shut it off before bed so that exposure is not running all night long while I am trying to sleep. Afterall, sleep is our repair and healing time, why interrupt that with wifi. Along with this I also shut off my bluetooth and cellular data every night from my phone. Yes, Your calls and texts can still come through. Most of us sleep with our phones close to us at night, and for the entire duration of your sleep that is being absorbed into your body. NO THANKS. 
  2.  Wearables: I got away from a cheap version of an apple watch. I wore it every night because I wanted to track my sleeping. In doing that, I sleep with my arm above my head or under my pillow. Therefore all of the signals from the watch were dang near right on my head/brain. I was experiencing weird headaches and migraines. Just an overall “off” sensation. It was a good friend Dr. CJ at Wholistic Wellness who brought it to my attention that it could be the EMF from my watch. I quit wearing it in general and noticed my headache symptoms decrease drastically. I switched to a higher quality Garmin this year, and love the capability of turning off the bluetooth on it. That way it can still track, but it isn't sending the signals to my phone via bluetooth, until I choose to do so. Side note, Dr. CJ at WWC, brought up a valid point, that I didn't even think about, being trained in acupuncture myself, there is a thyroid point on our wrist about where we wear our smart watches. If you have thyroid issues, be cautious with wearables. You are constantly sending a EMF signal to that point on the wrist at all times with a wearable on! 
  3.  Cell phones: As mentioned above on cell phones, shut that excess stuff on whenever you can. Along with when your kiddos are around or on devices. Download episodes instead so they dont require internet/wifi. I purchased this R2L (radiation 2 light) for my phone. It takes the radiation from your cell phone and converts it to light so you don't absorb the radiation into your body. I shut off 5g and anything higher on my phone from the cell phone stand point. You can google how to do this for your phone. 
  4.  Magnets: I wear this Brimhall Magnet almost daily. I put it on the side of my breast in my bra. I don't even notice it's there! It's small enough I usually suggest male patients keep theirs in their wallets, since guys typically always have their wallets on them. Your kiddos can have it under their bed sheet or in their pillow case at night. If you or your kiddos jackets have little pockets, you can also put it in there. The Brimhall magnet helps absorb EMF radiation all around us. I'm around computers, tablets, office wide wifi and EHR, bluetooth in my vehicle and patients cell phones, all day long. This is my way of mitigating some of that exposure.  

All in all, there are SO many different ways that we can help support our bodies from radiation exposure. From shutting down devices and options on our phone, to grounding mats, magnets in wearables, jewelry or for on desks, as well as home or office wide EMF blocking/absorption systems. We DO have the capability to help ourselves and those around us decrease exposure for the immediate future and long term. (*stay away from those TESLA charging ports around town*) I hope bringing awareness to this and shed some light on how serious it CAN be. It’s simple things like this that we don't often think about. We are living in a very tech happy and adaptive world, and we need to do our part to protect ourselves while still living in the convenience of modern times.

At Back In Line Chiropractic, we advocate for a comprehensive approach to wellness. Our team understands the impact of EMF exposure on the body's delicate balance and offers personalized solutions to mitigate the effects of prolonged exposure. Through chiropractic care, nutritional guidance, and lifestyle adjustments, we aim to support our patients in achieving overall well-being from our end, while you help your body on your end with being aware of such things like EMF and radiation exposure. In conclusion, while the convenience of modern technology is undeniable, it's crucial to acknowledge the potential health risks associated with excessive EMF exposure. By adopting a holistic approach that combines awareness, lifestyle modifications, and proper care, we can navigate the hazards of EMF and strive for a healthier, more balanced life in our technology-driven era. If you're experiencing symptoms related to EMF exposure, don't hesitate to reach out to us for guidance and support. Remember, small changes in habits can lead to significant improvements in your overall health and well-being amidst the digital age's electromagnetic challenges.

Dr. Missy Wessels

Dr. Missy Wessels

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