The CLA INSiGHT Scan comprises three scans to evaluate and give an objective insight into the state of someone’s Nervous System. The three components that make up a scan are a NeuroThermal Scan, NeuroSpinal EMG Scan, and a Heart Rate Variability (HRV) scan.
The scans aid in finding, tracking, and understanding if and where dysautonomia (disruption of the nerves that controls the body functions we don’t have to think about like breathing and blood pressure) and subluxation (misalignment with neurologic interference and unbalance) are in the Nervous System. When they are present the scans clue us into how mild or severe the distortion on the body is and where the primary distortions are. When there is too much tension and dis-ease (compensation and lacking of ease) in an area of the NeuroSpinal system this impacts other organs and functions connected to that nerve pathway. Our Nervous System is like a fuse box; when a fuse is blown you don’t try to change the light bulb to restore light, you head to the source of the dysfunction to restore light. The same is for Chiropractic and the Nervous System. CLA INSiGHT Scans aid in understanding why some symptoms and conditions are present, so we can flip the right fuse back on instead of trying to change a light bulb to restore light when a fuse is blown.
Utilizing the INSiGHT Scans as part of initial care helps give the current state of an individual. Continuing with wellness care and wellness scans help predict and get ahead of symptoms that might not be present. By maintaining regular nervous system care you can allow the tension and subluxation to be addressed in a timely manner versus waiting until xyz symptom is “bad enough” to make an appointment.
Signs of a stuck and chronic stressed Nervous System:
Colic or frequent crying in a baby
Excessive meltdowns and tantrums in a toddler or preschooler
Birth trauma
Sensory processing challenges
Emotional regulation challenges
Sleep challenges
Immune system challenges
Dr. Tony Ebel, D. (2024, April 23). Insight scans: PX docs. PX Docs - Your #1 Pediatric
Chiropractic & Education Source. https://pxdocs.com/nervous-
Dr. Lucy Lillie
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