Chiropractic and Craniosacral Therapy go hand in hand! Both prioritize addressing tension and dis-ease on the Nervous System and body. Restriction within the Nervous System and body doesn’t allow us to move and live to our fullest potential. While CST can be beneficial for anyone who has experienced varying traumas it is especially beneficial for babies with tension, oral tethers, and restricted environments (swaddles, seats, and containers) that inhibit babies to move freely. Craniosacral Therapy is a form of bodywork which utilizes gentle stretches and a light touch to help unwind and release stress on the system. CST and Chiropractic care can be implemented for various cases: - Nervous System Regulation - Plagiocephaly or Brachycephaly - Body Tension - Trouble nursing/latching - Oral Tethers - Promote healing It is more than just “treating a condition”, it focuses on allowing individuals to find more comfort in their bodies, releasing dis-ease, and expressing life!
Dr. Lucy Lillie
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