Integrative Cardiovascular Medicine

Appointments starting in September!

What is Integrative Medicine?

Integrative medicine combines the most well-researched conventional medicine with the most well-researched, evidence-based complementary therapies, such as nutraceuticals, to achieve the appropriate care for each person.

Did you know….

  • About 70% of people who have heart attacks have “normal” cholesterol by conventional testing
  • 50% of people who have strokes or heart attacks have had normal blood pressure their entire life
  • Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the US for both men and women
  • Approximately every 40 seconds in the US, someone has a heart attack
  • There are subtle changes in one’s vasculature that can be detected many years prior to displaying any signs of a problem such as chest pain or high blood pressure 

Are you…

  • Interested in evaluating the true health of your heart and peripheral blood vessels, detecting early disease and taking steps to reverse these findings?
  • Someone with a family history of early heart disease but thought you were too young to see a conventional cardiologist?
  • Someone that recognizes the #1 cause of sudden death in the United States, and is known as the silent killer.
  • Interested in discussing some alternative ways of treating cardiovascular disease?
  • Wanting to see if there are meds that may not be essential to good health?
  • Wanting to understand if your cholesterol levels will actually benefit from statin use?
  • Wanting innovative ways to determine your “vascular age” and prevention strategies to improve and optimize your cardiovascular health?
  • Have a family history of early death due to a cardiac event and suspect you may be at greater risk?
  • A person that appreciates evidence-based preventative screening tools and want to invest in understanding your current state of your cardiovascular health? 

Schedule with Jill Reese PA-C today! 

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Complete Heart Health Assessment: Initial 30 minute consult including full history and exam, vascular age assessment, ultrasound for early atherosclerosis (CIMT), advanced lipid testing drawn during visit, body composition analysis using Styku, in person follow up appointment to discuss results of labs and in-office testing, and individualized treatment plan follow up for review and consult of testing/treatment plan and follow up recommendations - $800-$1600 based on patient complexity and needs.

A La Cart Pricing:

  • Consults, and Health Review with direct one-on-one patient interaction with Jill Reese - PA-C.
    • 10 minutes - $100
    • 15 minutes - $150
    • 20 minutes - $200
    • 30 minutes- $300
    • 45 minutes - $450
    • 60 minutes- $600
  • Appointment times are based on complexities of current health status, complexies of diagnostic imaging, labs, and unique histories. We aim to not waste your time with unnnessary fees, but we want to honor thorough evaluations and connection. The less complex your findings, or history typically corrleates with age, genetics, family history, and lifestyle (diet and nutrition) . More complex findings correlate with age, genetics, family history, and lifestyle (diet and lifestyle). 
  • Styku Evaluation for Complete Body Composition Analysis (included in package)
    • Individual $75
    • 2 pack $99
  • CIMT Carotid Ultrasound Evaluation Baseline Evaluation + Repeat Scans
    • $350/scan
    • Includes: Initial scan apt and a follow-up report of findings apt either by Telehealth, or face-to-face apt.
  • Advanced Lipid Profile Drawn in Office 
    • $225 
  • Additional Labs as needed, recommended after initial consult 
    • Varies but you will be made aware of all costs prior to lab draw
  • Lab Draws are "free" if patient is active in care plan/surveillance. For patients wanting any lab bundles ONLY, offered by Jill Reese PA-C or Dr. CJ Kleene, can elect to self-pay for labs, and lab draws of bundled kits are $75. Some patient elect to self monitor their own data points (thyroid, anti-aging biomarkers, general health and wellness, patients with high deductibles) and appreciate the significant cost savings of the lab bundles Back in Line is able to offer.